Book Signings 2011
To Help Benefit Colon Cancer Research
December 2011
Friday, December 2nd
Curtis Frame Back Alley Gallery
543 N. Milwaukee Avenue (behind The 545 Club)
Libertyville, Illinois
Book Signings 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Book Signings of "My Mother's Watercolor's", Gail Robinson Sellers, 1926-2004 to help benefit Colon Cancer Research and Barbara's other book about her
grandfather "A Moment in Time", the Biography of Matthew B. Sellers, II,
Aviation Pioneer - 1869-1932.
Reprints, greeting cards and both published books available for Sale.
*Raffle will be held for one book and a set of greeting cards of my mother's most famous watercolors.
Thursday, December 22nd
Grayson Public Library
1446 N. State Highway 7
Grayson, Kentucky
Book Signings 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Book Signings of both "My Mother's Watercolor's", Gail Robinson Sellers, 1926-2004, to help benefit Colon Cancer Research and Barbara's other book about her grandfather "A Moment in Time", the Biography of Matthew B. Sellers, II,
Aviation Pioneer - 1869-1932.
Friday, December 23rd
Flashback Framing Gallery
109 West Tom T. Hall Blvd
Olive Hill, Kentucky
Book Signings 12:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m.
Book Signings of both "My Mother's Watercolor's", Gail Robinson Sellers, 1926-2004, to help benefit Colon Cancer Research and Barbara's other book about her
grandfather "A Moment in Time", the Biography of Matthew B. Sellers, II,
Aviation Pioneer - 1869 -1932.
May 2013
Friday May 24, 2013
Flashback Framing Gallery
109 West Tom T. Hall Blvd
Olive Hill, Kentucky
Book Signings 12:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m.
Book Signings of both "My Mother's Watercolor's", Gail Robinson Sellers, 1926-2004, to help benefit Colon Cancer Research and Barbara's other book about her
grandfather "A Moment in Time", the Biography of Matthew B. Sellers, II,
Aviation Pioneer - 1869 -1932.
Saturday May 24, 2013
Senator Robin Webb's Office
404 West Main Street
Grayson, Kentucky
Before and after the parade just outside of Senator Webb's office.
Book Signings of both "My Mother's Watercolor's", Gail Robinson Sellers, 1926-2004, to help benefit Colon Cancer Research and Barbara's other book about her
grandfather "A Moment in Time", the Biography of Matthew B. Sellers, II,
Aviation Pioneer - 1869 -1932.